My 2017 Predictions For Father John Zuhlsdorf On How He Will Die........

I don’t know about you, but over the last year or so I have become increasingly disciplined regarding my situation awareness. When I get out of my car, I look around to see where everyone is. When I walk out the door, I look around to see where everyone is. When I walk into a place, I look around. I know where the doors and exits are. I see where everyone is, who comes in after me. If I see someone that looks or behaves oddly, I keep an eye on them. Fr. Z Read More>>>>>
My 2017 Predictions For Father John Zuhlsdorf

He will die:
  1. Plane Crash
  2. Food Poising
  3. Shot By His Own Gun
  4. Not Paying Attention To His Disciplined Doctrine Of Situational Awareness
  5. All Four All At Once......On A Plane + Eating Poisoned Airline Food + Hit From Behind Thus Causing Him To Discharge His Firearm.....
