Democracy Crazed Trad The Deus Ex Machina Blog On His Worship Of Trump: Fiat Valuntas Tua!

“All the civil governments will have one and the same plan, which will be to abolish and do away with every religious principal to make way for materialism, atheism, spiritualism and vice of all kinds. Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)
Another Latin Mass Traditionalist has gone nuts for modern democracy now that Trump is elected.

I might as well start posting all the clueless and thoughtless post by those who take up room in the pews at Latin Mass sites

This blogger claims to have knowledge of "natural law"

Natural Law for those that don't know is an excuse to make a point or two if you can't possibly defend your foolish argument with Scripture.

If men like this are confounded with valid arguments from Scripture they will immediately appeal to "Natural Law". This strategy doesn't work. It sounds intellectual but fails to convince anyone.

This guy has been creeping toward whorshipping of Modern Democarcy.

Now that Trump is elected I guess the blooger S. Armaticus of  The Deus Ex Machina Blog ~ A blog dedicated to chronicling the "Restoration of all thing in Christ" is 100% for Protestant Modern Democracy.

As for his chronicling the restoration of all things in Christ? Yeah right you ain't gonna restore Jack Shit!

So I will post his nonsense until the demented fool comes to his senses.

I bet it will take over four years before this Latin Mass democracy crazed fool wakes up

So here is the Trump worship:

Fiat Valuntas Tua! 

It’s Finally Morning Again In America, And A New Day For Our Country Starts Now

