The Lay Chick HILARY WHITE Finally Got The Message....Writes About The Muslim Invasion Instead of The Synod!

“If the state will not punish these people and the media will not talk about it the victims will get increasingly frustrated and could be come racist, and then we will have a confrontation.” “Not only not only is the problem being ignored, the French left and many mayors actively promote the growth and spread of sectarian Islam. For good reason. Muslims have become an important constituency of the left.“ ~ Hollande announced on Friday night that he would be closing the borders, but I’m afraid unless he intends to send troops into the no-go banlieues… There was a little crowing over the weekend about France “finally” being willing to do something. Someone finally stepping up…Hilary White Read More>>>>>

Hey, sorry to break it to you girl, but a lot of the traditionalists men that you adore happen to be infected with DISTRIBUTISM and therefore are Muslim friendly....Hey, for your next project, please compare the world view of Distributism with that of a Muslim Caliphate!! LOL! You'll lose a lot of traditionalist friends!
