Another Shill For Modern Democracy & Distributism Sedevacantist Thomas Droleskey Blames Caesar For The Muslim Terrorist Attack On Paris!!!

caesar .............

15673 word essay? are you kidding me?...who wants to read all that?

Here let me cut to the chase according to these Sedevacantist windbags:

New world order = bad
Universalism = bad
Therefore Universal Rule of the Holy Roman Emperor = bad

Good? modern democracy + voting.....

Never mind that the current state the world finds itself in is due directly to modern democracy or as Dante said:
That when the throne of Augustus is vacant, the whole world goes out of course, the helmsman and rowers slumber in the ship of Peter, and unhappy Italy, forsaken and abandoned to private control, and bereft of all public guidance, is tossed with such buffeting of winds and waves as no words can describe, nay as even the Italians in their woe can scarce measure with their tears. Dante Alighieri
Go ahead and ask a Sedevacantist how to defeat Islam?

Response will be to form a Distributist political movement.

And what is a  Distributist political movement? It is a "ecumenical" Caliphate.

